One Year
Exactly one year ago today, I shared a recipe for my favorite granola with you guys.
Can you believe that was a year ago?! I certainly cannot. Twelve whole months. Fifty-two weeks. Three hundred and sixty-five freakin’ days – and I haven’t gotten distracted by something shiny or gotten kicked off the interwebs or said something so terribly, horribly wrong that I’ve lost all my friends. Now that’s an accomplishment, if I do say so myself!
And oh, what a year it’s been.
I roasted a few vegetables, made a buttload of cookies, and annoyed you to no end with how obnoxiously obsessed I am with pump.kin.every.thing. I turned twenty-eight and celebrated my champagne birthday, started a new [awesome] job and am currently in the midst of planning a two week trip to France with Peter this fall. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!
Oh yea, and I kinda sorta started this blog. That happened too, I guess :)
So happy one year blogiversary to me! And cheers to many more!
But let’s back up a little: this has been quite the week, let alone year. I’m celebrating one year of having started Confessions of a Midnight Baker today, as well as six months of working at JDJ (formerly Rothstein Kass… slash now KPMG) as of this coming Sunday. I’m celebrating the birth of a handsome and healthy baby boy (congrats, Martin & Joanna!) and the engagement of two close friends (Matt & Abby, you GUYS!).
I’m also celebrating the life of a family member who was taken from us far too soon. Cousin Paul, we love & miss you with all our heart – and we are so happy to know that you are now peacefully watching over us. Lately it seems that, in order to celebrate something happy & joyful, it must be balanced by something not-so-wonderful. However, I think we should always chose to celebrate. In this case, we are celebrating the full life that Paul lived, surrounded by family & friends – those same family & friends who are saying goodbye to him today.
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So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to send a giant thank you (and lots of hugs!) to my biggest cheerleaders (Mom! Peter!), as well as the countless family & friends who continue to encourage & support me in all that I do. I chose to celebrate YOU guys – today & everyday – for providing me with strength and courage to live this wonderfully full and gratifying life I’m so lucky to have.
I’m so excited for the next year, you guys! I have SO many delicious, seasonal, healthy(ish) recipes that I want to share – and I really hope you’ll stick around for the fun :)