Cabby Salad

Cabby Salad

I don’t care that the halfway point of the summer has come and gone (i.e., my family’s annual York Beach vacation) and Labor Day weekend is less than three weeks away. Do you hear me, Mother Nature/annoying men on the train talking about how the 

Cherry Crumble Bars

Cherry Crumble Bars

I firmly believe that everyone should attempt to pit cherries by hand at some point during their lifetime. You know, like a bucket list item. Then, after you’ve butchered 5 or 6 cherries, semi-permanently stained your fingers and the surrounding countertop/cabinets/floor/everywhere, and nearly sliced off 

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Macaroons

Better late then never… right? I get a big, fat, giant FAIL for the last month’s worth of blogging – or lack thereof. First, there were some major WordPress issues that I sat on for a few weeks; then tax season came on strong and 

Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

BOO YA! Squeezed one in juuuuuuust before the end of the month. Hi friends! Remember me?! Bet you thought I forgot about this blog, didn’t you? Alas, I did not — just my usual busy self, way too cool for school. And by that I 

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

No guys, I’m not done with pumpkin yet. Sorry I’m not sorry. See, the thing is that I’ve roasted like four sugar pumpkins in the past two weeks… and do you know how much pumpkin puree that is?! A lot. Enough that I’ve now made 

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

There was this one time back in college that my roommate, Casey, and I decided we wanted to roast our own pumpkin seeds. It was our junior year and, to be quite honest, I have no idea how we even got unroasted pumpkin seeds in 

Peach Cardamom Crumble

Peach Cardamom Crumble

So I’m torn. We’ve reached that point in the year where Labor Day has come and gone, yet summer isn’t officially over [helloooooo, 90 degrees + humidity]. Do I embrace fall in all its glory or try to hang onto the last few strands of 

Everyday Granola

Everyday Granola

I’ve always had a hard time putting that first sentence on paper. The hook? Never my thing. Thesis statement? Writer’s block at its finest. In fact, I found it easier to start with paragraph numero dos and come back to finish the beginning of the